object JikanKt
restClient |
var restClient: RestClient |
getAnime |
Function to get anime by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnime(id: Int): Anime |
getAnimeCharactersStaff |
Function to get anime's characters and staff by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeCharactersStaff(id: Int): AnimeCharactersStaff |
getAnimeEpisodes |
Function to get anime's episodes by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeEpisodes(id: Int, page: Int? = 1): AnimeEpisodes |
getAnimeForum |
Function to get anime's forum by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeForum(id: Int): AnimeForum |
getAnimeMoreInfo |
Function to get anime's more info by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeMoreInfo(id: Int): AnimeMoreInfo |
getAnimeNews |
Function to get anime's news by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeNews(id: Int): AnimeNews |
getAnimePictures |
Function to get anime's pictures by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimePictures(id: Int): AnimePictures |
getAnimeRecommendations |
Function to get anime's recommendations by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeRecommendations(id: Int): AnimeRecommendations |
getAnimeReviews |
Function to get anime's reviews by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeReviews(id: Int, page: Int? = 1): AnimeReviews |
getAnimeStats |
Function to get anime's stats by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeStats(id: Int): AnimeStats |
getAnimeUserUpdates |
Function to get anime's user updates by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeUserUpdates(id: Int, page: Int? = 1): AnimeUserUpdates |
getAnimeVideos |
Function to get anime's videos by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getAnimeVideos(id: Int): AnimeVideos |
getCharacter |
Function to get character by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getCharacter(id: Int): Character |
getCharacterPictures |
Function to get character's pictures by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getCharacterPictures(id: Int): CharacterPictures |
getClub |
A single club object with all its details. suspend fun getClub(clubId: Int): Club |
getClubMembers |
Fetches list of club members. suspend fun getClubMembers(clubId: Int, page: Int? = 1): ClubMembers |
getGenreType |
Function to get genre detail on MyAnimeList. suspend fun getGenreType(requestType: RequestType, genreId: Int, page: Int? = 1): Genre |
getMagazine |
Function to get list of manga based on their magazine/serializer/publisher. suspend fun getMagazine(magazineId: Int, page: Int? = 1): Magazine |
getManga |
Function to get manga by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getManga(id: Int): Manga |
getMangaCharacters |
Function to get manga's characters by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaCharacters(id: Int): MangaCharacters |
getMangaForum |
Function to get manga's forum by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaForum(id: Int): MangaForum |
getMangaMoreInfo |
Function to get manga's more info by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaMoreInfo(id: Int): MangaMoreInfo |
getMangaNews |
Function to get manga's news by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaNews(id: Int): MangaNews |
getMangaPictures |
Function to get manga's pictures by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaPictures(id: Int): MangaPictures |
getMangaRecommendations |
Function to get manga's recommendations by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaRecommendations(id: Int): MangaRecommendations |
getMangaReviews |
Function to get manga's reviews by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaReviews(id: Int, page: Int? = 1): MangaReviews |
getMangaStats |
Function to get manga's stats by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaStats(id: Int): MangaStats |
getMangaUserUpdates |
Function to get manga's user updates by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getMangaUserUpdates(id: Int, page: Int? = 1): MangaUserUpdates |
getPerson |
Function to get person by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getPerson(id: Int): Person |
getPersonPictures |
Function to get person's pictures by it's MyAnimeList id suspend fun getPersonPictures(id: Int): PersonPictures |
getProducer |
Function to get list of anime based on their producer. suspend fun getProducer(producerId: Int, page: Int? = 1): Producer |
getSchedule |
Function to get all anime schedule in this season. suspend fun getSchedule(): Schedule
Function to get all anime schedule in this season filtered by day. suspend fun getSchedule(day: Day): Schedule |
getSeason |
Function to get anime list by it's season. NOTE: If year and/or season is not specified, it'll return current season instead. suspend fun getSeason(year: Int? = null, season: SeasonType? = null): Season |
getSeasonArchive |
Function to get archived season on MyAnimeList. suspend fun getSeasonArchive(): SeasonArchives |
getSeasonLater |
Function to get later season anime list. suspend fun getSeasonLater(): Season |
getTopAnime |
Function to get all top anime on MyAnimeList. suspend fun getTopAnime(page: Int? = 1, subtype: TopSubtype? = TopSubtype.NONE): TopAnime |
getTopCharacters |
Function to get all top characters on MyAnimeList. suspend fun getTopCharacters(page: Int? = 1): TopCharacters |
getTopManga |
Function to get all top manga on MyAnimeList. suspend fun getTopManga(page: Int? = 1, subtype: TopSubtype? = TopSubtype.NONE): TopManga |
getTopPeople |
Function to get all top people on MyAnimeList. suspend fun getTopPeople(page: Int? = 1): TopPeople |
getUser |
Fetches MyAnimeList user related data. Note: About is returned in HTML as MyAnimeList allows custom "about" sections for users that can consist of images, formatting, etc. suspend fun getUser(username: String): User |
getUserAnimeList |
Fetches MyAnimeList user's anime list. suspend fun getUserAnimeList(username: String, filter: AnimeStatusType = AnimeStatusType.All, page: Int = 1): UserAnimeList suspend fun getUserAnimeList(username: String, query: String, page: Int? = 1, additionalQuery: AnimeListSearchQuery? = null): UserAnimeList |
getUserFriends |
Fetches MyAnimeList user's friend. suspend fun getUserFriends(username: String, page: Int = 1): UserFriends |
getUserHistory |
Fetches MyAnimeList user's history. suspend fun getUserHistory(username: String, type: HistoryType = HistoryType.All): UserHistory |
getUserMangaList |
Fetches MyAnimeList user's manga list. suspend fun getUserMangaList(username: String, filter: MangaStatusType = MangaStatusType.All, page: Int = 1): UserMangaList suspend fun getUserMangaList(username: String, query: String, page: Int? = 1, additionalQuery: MangaListSearchQuery? = null): UserMangaList |
searchAnime |
Search results for the query. NOTE: MyAnimeList only processes queries with a minimum of 3 letters. suspend fun searchAnime(query: String, additionalQuery: AnimeSearchQuery? = null, page: Int? = 1): AnimeSearchResult
Search results for the query. suspend fun searchAnime(additionalQuery: AnimeSearchQuery? = null, page: Int? = 1): AnimeSearchResult |
searchCharacter |
Search results for the query. NOTE: MyAnimeList only processes queries with a minimum of 3 letters. suspend fun searchCharacter(query: String, page: Int? = 1): CharacterSearchResult |
searchManga |
Search results for the query. NOTE: MyAnimeList only processes queries with a minimum of 3 letters. suspend fun searchManga(query: String, additionalQuery: MangaSearchQuery? = null, page: Int? = 1): MangaSearchResult
Search results for the query. suspend fun searchManga(additionalQuery: MangaSearchQuery? = null, page: Int? = 1): MangaSearchResult |
searchPeople |
Search results for the query. NOTE: MyAnimeList only processes queries with a minimum of 3 letters. suspend fun searchPeople(query: String, page: Int? = 1): PeopleSearchResult |