data class Anime : Entity, MalEntity
Anime data class.
<init> |
Anime data class. Anime(malId: Int, url: String? = null, imageUrl: String? = null, trailerUrl: String? = null, title: String? = null, titleEnglish: String? = null, titleJapanese: String? = null, titleSynonyms: List<String?>? = null, type: AnimeType? = null, source: String? = null, episodes: Int? = null, status: String? = null, airing: Boolean? = null, aired: TimeInterval? = null, duration: String? = null, rating: String? = null, score: Double? = null, scoredBy: Int? = null, rank: Int? = null, popularity: Int? = null, members: Int? = null, favorites: Int? = null, synopsis: String? = null, background: String? = null, premiered: String? = null, broadcast: String? = null, : RelatedAnime? = null, producers: List<MalSubEntity?>? = null, licensors: List<MalSubEntity?>? = null, studios: List<MalSubEntity?>? = null, genres: List<MalSubEntity?>? = null, openingThemes: List<String?>? = null, endingThemes: List<String?>? = null) |
aired |
Interval of airing time in ISO8601 format. val aired: TimeInterval? |
airing |
Whether the anime is currently airing or not. val airing: Boolean? |
background |
Background info of the anime. val background: String? |
broadcast |
Broadcast date of the anime (day and time). val broadcast: String? |
duration |
Duration per episode. val duration: String? |
endingThemes |
List of ending theme (ED) of this anime. val endingThemes: List<String?>? |
episodes |
Total episode(s) of the anime. val episodes: Int? |
favorites |
Anime's favorites count on MyAnimeList. val favorites: Int? |
genres |
List of genre of this anime. val genres: List<MalSubEntity?>? |
imageUrl |
Anime's MyAnimeList cover/image link. val imageUrl: String? |
licensors |
List of licensors of this anime. val licensors: List<MalSubEntity?>? |
malId |
ID associated with MyAnimeList. val malId: Int |
members |
Anime's members count on MyAnimeList. val members: Int? |
openingThemes |
List of opening theme (OP) of this anime. val openingThemes: List<String?>? |
popularity |
Anime's popularity rank on MyAnimeList. val popularity: Int? |
premiered |
Season where anime premiered. val premiered: String? |
producers |
List of producers of this anime. val producers: List<MalSubEntity?>? |
rank |
Anime's score rank on MyAnimeList. val rank: Int? |
rating |
Age rating of the anime. val rating: String? |
related |
Lists of related items of the anime. val related: RelatedAnime? |
score |
Score at MyAnimeList. Formatted up to 2 decimal places. val score: Double? |
scoredBy |
Number of people/users that scored the anime. val scoredBy: Int? |
source |
Source of the anime. val source: String? |
status |
Status of the anime (e.g "Airing", "Not yet airing", etc). val status: String? |
studios |
List of studios of this anime. val studios: List<MalSubEntity?>? |
synopsis |
Synopsis of the anime. val synopsis: String? |
title |
Title of the anime. val title: String? |
titleEnglish |
Title of the anime in English. val titleEnglish: String? |
titleJapanese |
Title of the anime in Japanese. val titleJapanese: String? |
titleSynonyms |
List of anime's synonyms. val titleSynonyms: List<String?>? |
trailerUrl |
Anime's official trailer URL. val trailerUrl: String? |
type |
Type of the anime. val type: AnimeType? |
url |
Anime's MyAnimeList link. val url: String? |