data class MangaStats : Entity
<init> |
MangaStats(reading: Int? = null, completed: Int? = null, onHold: Int? = null, dropped: Int? = null, planToRead: Int? = null, total: Int? = null, scorePage: Score? = null) |
completed |
Number of user who mark this manga as "Completed" val completed: Int? |
dropped |
Number of user who mark this manga as "Dropped" val dropped: Int? |
onHold |
Number of user who mark this manga as "On hold" val onHold: Int? |
planToRead |
Number of user who mark this manga as "Plan to read" val planToRead: Int? |
reading |
Number of user who mark this manga as "Watching" val reading: Int? |
scorePage |
List of score statistics. val scorePage: Score? |
total |
Total of numbers of users. val total: Int? |