data class UserMangaUpdate
User update detail.
<init> |
User update detail. UserMangaUpdate(username: String? = null, url: String? = null, imageUrl: String? = null, score: Int? = null, status: String? = null, volumesSeen: Int? = null, volumesTotal: Int? = null, chaptersSeen: Int? = null, chaptersTotal: Int? = null, date: Date? = null) |
chaptersSeen |
Total user's read chapter(s). val chaptersSeen: Int? |
chaptersTotal |
Total chapters of the manga. val chaptersTotal: Int? |
date |
User update date. val date: Date? |
imageUrl |
User's image URL on MyAnimeList. val imageUrl: String? |
score |
User's score on the manga. val score: Int? |
status |
User's status on the manga (e.g "Reading", "Dropped", etc). val status: String? |
url |
User's URL on MyAnimeList. val url: String? |
username |
User's username. val username: String? |
volumesSeen |
Total user's read volume(s). val volumesSeen: Int? |
volumesTotal |
Total volumes of the manga. val volumesTotal: Int? |