data class MangaSubEntity : MalEntity
Manga sub entity data class.
<init> |
Manga sub entity data class. MangaSubEntity(malId: Int, url: String? = null, imageUrl: String? = null, title: String? = null, synopsis: String? = null, type: String? = null, volumes: Int? = null, members: Int? = null, genres: List<MalSubEntity?>? = null, authors: List<MalSubEntity?>? = null, serializations: List<String?>? = null) |
authors |
List of authors of the manga. val authors: List<MalSubEntity?>? |
genres |
Manga's genre(s). val genres: List<MalSubEntity?>? |
imageUrl |
Manga's MyAnimeList cover/image link. val imageUrl: String? |
malId |
ID associated with MyAnimeList. val malId: Int |
members |
Manga's members count on MyAnimeList. val members: Int? |
serializations |
List of serialization of the manga. val serializations: List<String?>? |
synopsis |
Synopsis of the manga. val synopsis: String? |
title |
Title of the manga. val title: String? |
type |
Type of the manga. val type: String? |
url |
Manga's MyAnimeList link. val url: String? |
volumes |
Total volume(s) of the manga. val volumes: Int? |