data class AnimeListEntity : MalEntity
<init> |
AnimeListEntity(malId: Int, title: String? = null, url: String? = null, imageUrl: String? = null, videoUrl: String? = null, type: String? = null, episodesWatched: Int? = null, episodesTotal: Int? = null, score: Double? = null, hasEpisodeVideo: Boolean? = null, hasPromoVideo: Boolean? = null, hasVideo: Boolean? = null, isRewatching: Boolean? = null, rating: String? = null, startDate: Date? = null, endDate: Date? = null, startWatchDate: Date? = null, endWatchDate: Date? = null, days: Int? = null, priority: String? = null, airingStatus: Int? = null, watchingStatus: Int? = null) |
airingStatus |
Current airing status of anime. val airingStatus: Int? |
days |
Total amount of days user has been watching anime. val days: Int? |
endDate |
Anime end date. val endDate: Date? |
endWatchDate |
User's finished date watching the anime. val endWatchDate: Date? |
episodesTotal |
Anime's episodes total count. val episodesTotal: Int? |
episodesWatched |
User's amount of watched episodes. val episodesWatched: Int? |
hasEpisodeVideo |
Whether anime have episode video. val hasEpisodeVideo: Boolean? |
hasPromoVideo |
Whether anime have promo video. val hasPromoVideo: Boolean? |
hasVideo |
Whether anime have video. val hasVideo: Boolean? |
imageUrl |
Anime's MyAnimeList cover/image link. val imageUrl: String? |
isRewatching |
Whether user is currently rewatching this anime. val isRewatching: Boolean? |
malId |
ID associated with MyAnimeList. val malId: Int |
priority |
Priority of anime on user's list. val priority: String? |
rating |
Age rating of the anime. val rating: String? |
score |
User's score on this anime. val score: Double? |
startDate |
Anime start date. val startDate: Date? |
startWatchDate |
User's start date watching the anime. val startWatchDate: Date? |
title |
Title of the anime. val title: String? |
type |
Type of the anime. val type: String? |
url |
Anime's MyAnimeList link. val url: String? |
videoUrl |
Anime video's MyAnimeList URL val videoUrl: String? |
watchingStatus |
Current user's watching status of anime. val watchingStatus: Int? |